MicroPasts: A Crowdfuelled Research ProjectBlog
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Data Centre

Welcome to MicroPasts’ Data Centre.

Here we aim to encourage public access to high quality, open-licensed data that has been used or produced by MicroPasts crowd-sourcing or crowd-funding projects.

First, we should stress that this is not a permanent digital data repository, unlike the following excellent institutional, national and/or international examples:

Instead, a requirement for all MicroPasts projects is that they deposit final datasets in one of these (or other) repositories. Here we simply provide a series of links to where data used or produced by a MicroPasts project might be found. The goal is both to make our research data widely known and to ensure that contributors know where to look for the fruits of their labours. Please do let us know if something appears to be missing!

Drawer Card Scans Raw Data Final Data
Drawer A1 Flanged Axe Heads cards unconsolidated data final data (not yet available)
Drawer A1 Flanged Chisels cards unconsolidated data final data
Drawer A1 Flat Axes cards unconsolidated data final data (not yet available)
Drawer A2 Ferrules cards unconsolidated data final data
Drawer A2 Socketed Spearheads cards unconsolidated data final data (not yet available)
Drawer A5 and A6 Axeheads cards unconsolidated data final data (not yet available)
Drawer A8 Tools and Knives, Part 1 cards unconsolidated data final data (not yet available)
Drawer A8 Tools and Knives, Part 2 cards unconsolidated data final data (not yet available)
Drawer A9 Palstaves cards unconsolidated data final data (not yet available)
Drawer A10 Dirks and Rapiers, Part 1 cards unconsolidated data final data (not yet available)
Drawer A10 Dirks and Rapiers, Part 2 cards unconsolidated data final data (not yet available)
Drawer A14 Arrowheads cards unconsolidated data final data
Drawer A14 Socketed Spearheads cards unconsolidated data final data (not yet available)
Drawer A15 Ornaments, Part 1 cards unconsolidated data final data (not yet available)
Drawer A16 Hoards cards unconsolidated data final data (not yet available)
Drawer A16 Slide Fasteners cards unconsolidated data final data
Drawer A18 BM Swords cards unconsolidated data final data (not yet available)
Drawer A18 Single Finds cards unconsolidated data final data (not yet available)
Drawer A19 Devizes Museum cards unconsolidated data final data (not yet available)
Drawer B8 Implements cards unconsolidated data final data (not yet available)
Drawer B10 Irish Crotals cards unconsolidated data final data (not yet available)
Drawer B10 Irish Bronze Metalwork cards unconsolidated data final data (not yet available)
Drawer B10 Irish Gold cards unconsolidated data final data (not yet available)
Drawer B15 Irish Spearheads cards unconsolidated data final data (not yet available)
Drawer B16 Palstaves cards unconsolidated data final data (almost ready!)
The Arreton Down Hoard cards unconsolidated data final data
The Selborne (Blackmoor) Hoard cards unconsolidated data final data (not yet available)
River Thames Implements cards unconsolidated data final data (not yet available)
Miscellaneous Objects cards unconsolidated data final data (not yet available)

3D Models of Bronze Age Metal Objects

2D Morphology

Egyptian Archaeology

Egyptian Shabtis

Egypt Exploration Society’s Amarna Object Cards

Near Eastern Archaeology

Historical Archives

Pottery Profiling

Human Origins

Olduvai Gorge Handaxes

British Palaeolithic 3D models

  • West Midlands Portable Antiquities Scheme palaeolithic handaxe from Staffordshire: All Source and Derived Data
    View 3D Model Online: WMID-49DD1B*

Worthington George Smith Catalogue

Recent History

Rice and Population in Asia

New Forest Setley Plain POW Camp 65

Palestine Exploration Fund

British Early Medieval History

3D Models

Project Andvari

British Post-Medieval Archaeology

3D Models Mary Rose

British Roman Archaeology

  • Mildenhall Treasure: All Source and Derived Data
    View 3D Models Online: Pedestalled Plate 1946,1007.13*; Flanged Bowl 1946,1007.5*; Bacchic Plate 1947,1007.2*
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Crowd-sourced, crowd-fuelled, open-access, heritage research.

Join us on our mission to enable high quality digitally enabled research into archaeology, history and heritage.


Institute of Archaeology,
31-34 Gordon Square,
